Jacks Rugby
Pre-Season Fitness Recommendations and Timed Run Schedule
Rick Frey, Coach
The first SERIOUS practice of the 2010-2011 season starts October 19, 2010 . Do whatever you need to do to be in the best shape you can be in by that date.
1. Establish an aerobic base. Begin or continue a running program that includes distance work at a slow to moderate pace. Do this distance workout every other day or at least twice per week. Each time you go out, set a goal to run a little longer than you did the time before. One way to reduce injuries is to simply add one minute to your workout each time you go out. Eventually, you will need to be able to go non-stop for 60 minutes. You need to be able to cover 6 miles on flat ground in 60 minutes if you are a back; and 6 miles on flat ground in 66 minutes if you are a forward. You can meet or beat this standard if you are motivated.
2. Establish an anaerobic base. On two of the days per week that you are NOT doing distance work, run sprints. Be sure that you are warmed up before you go all out in your sprint work (for example, jog an easy 400 yards first). Set a moderate distance of 30 yards and build up to 10 repetitions. Give yourself adequate time to recover between each sprint. When you can do 10-30s, go to a 30 yard-40 yard mix. Do 5- 30s and 5-40s, with the same rest intervals. Eventually, build up to 10- 40 yard sprints. When you can do 10-40s, go to a 40 yard-50 yard mix, as described above. When the season starts on , you need to be able to do 10-50 yard sprints with a one minute rest interval between them.
Important Time Trials
. Meet at the high school track at . We will do a 3 mile timed run.
. Meet at Mill Pond Recreation area (on the east side of the lake) at . We will do a timed 5K run (3.1 miles) over the Toiyabe Road Run course.
. Meet at Mill Pond Recreation area (on the east side of the lake) at . We will do a timed 10K run (6.2 miles) over the Toiyabe Road Run course.
Note: Call or email the coach if you cannot make these timed runs. See contact info above. Good luck with your training!